Fingerprinting Services

Trusted Fingerprinting Services Near Me in Laurel, MD

A modern office setup with fingerprint scanning devices, and professionals assisting clients.

Electronic Fingerprinting

We utilize state-of-the-art electronic fingerprinting technology that guarantees accurate and efficient capturing of fingerprint data. This method is non-intrusive, fast, and essential for various purposes such as employment background checks, licensing, and certifications.

Fingerprinting Services
Fingerprinting Services

Fast Background Checks

Our electronic background checks provide criminal history results within days. This rapid service is beneficial for employers, licensing boards, and individuals who require quick access to background information.

Mobile Fingerprinting Services

Our mobile fingerprinting services for large groups offer unmatched convenience. Whether you need fingerprinting for corporate background checks or licensing, our team will come to your location with all the necessary equipment, saving your organization time and effort.

Fingerprinting Services

Professional Licenses Certifications

Are you applying for a professional license or certification? Our fingerprinting services are essential for background checks required by various licensing boards and certification bodies. We make the process seamless and hassle-free.

Fingerprinting Services
Fingerprinting Services

Serving Multiple Maryland Counties

We proudly serve individual residents and large groups in the following Maryland counties: Howard, Montgomery, Baltimore, Baltimore City, Prince George’s, and Anne Arundel County. Our extensive network ensures that you have access to our services, wherever you are.

Confidentiality Assurance

We understand the sensitive nature of the data we handle. At OK Identification Solutions, the security and confidentiality of your data are our top priorities. Our secure technology infrastructure ensures that your personal information is handled with the utmost care and protection.

Fingerprinting Services

We serve applicants requiring background checks for:

Adult Dependent CareAttorney ClientBoard of NursingBroker, Mortgage Originator/Debt ManagementChild Care – Full
AdoptionDay Care ProviderTeachersCoachesJanitors, etc.
Child Care – VolunteerFirefighter, Rescue Squad, ParamedicsGold Seal/AdoptionGold Seal/VisaGovernment Employment
City Government (Other than School System)County Government (Other than School System)Government LicensingImmigration/VisaCitizenship
Alien RegistrationInternationalIndividual ChallengeIndividual ReviewLiquor Board
Precious Metal DealerPrivate Employer Petition (Position applied for is required)Companies other than Governmental AgenciesPublic Service CommissionPublic Housing Authority
Department of Juvenile ServicesApplying for employment with DJSMSP Licensing – HandgunMSP Licensing – FirearmsMSP Licensing – Security System
MSP Licensing – Security GuardMSP Licensing – Private DetectiveMSP Licensing – Special PoliceRacing CommissionState Bar Licensing
Notary Services

OK Identification Solutions offers on-site and mobile electronic fingerprinting and background checks.